Savage Hearts – A Paranormal Romance Anthology for Charity

Savage Hearts – A Paranormal Romance Anthology for Charity

Savage Hearts: A Paranormal Romance Anthology Release: 10/31/17 Genre: Adult, Paranormal Romance, Anthology, Collection, Publisher: Satin & Stone Publications, LLC. Cover Artist: Dark City Designs Blurb Dracula, Quasimodo, Dr. Jekyll…they are the monsters that...

And the Prism Award Goes to…

"The Spirit" by Harper L. Jameson: Best Erotic Paranormal Romance of 2017! It was a long road, but on July 31st, the Romance Writers of America Fantasy, Futuristic and SciFi Chapter declared "The Spirit" the winner in their Erotic PNR category. I was online,...

You Can’t Win ‘Em All

You Can’t Win ‘Em All

"YOU CAN'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WAAAAAANT..." Welp, I didn't win the whole kit'n kaboodle at Chanticleer Reviews, but I was still a semi-finalist amongst who knows how many entries and that's still pretty damned cool. My first book, which got almost no recognition in...

I’d Like to Thank the Academy…

I’d Like to Thank the Academy…

Sorry, I couldn't resist. But I would like to thank Chanticleer Reviews for naming my novel "The Spirit" as a finalist for best PNR of 2016. The final winners will be announced on April 1st (who does that?) and I'm keeping all my crossables crossed. I know I said...

New Year, New Happenings…

New Year, New Happenings…

So much has been done and so much still to do, dear readers! My website has a fresh, new look, complete with a store so that you can easily buy print copies as they're available. The blog has been updated with a cleaner format (as you can see). The first three...

Dabbling in the Dark

My more macabre nature took hold tonight and I found myself inspired by the two sentence horror format. I wonder if there's a precedent for a writer who creates both romance and horror? ********** I watched her slipping further away through the shimmering chill of the...

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